Sunday, November 8, 2009


Wow! I can't believe it's already November! Sorry, it's been a while since I've posted anything. So much to tell you guys. Well every week that passes, I feel more comfortable here. I'm learning more and more about the culture, and all the little mannerisms. At first, some of the differences in clothes and their approach to things... I would think oh this is different. I guess I need to get use to them. Now, I'm starting to like them and even doing some of them myself! haha! I'm loving the food, movies, tv shows, music, and LOVE the clothes. Don't worry friends... I will return to the U.S.

Let's see... what to tell you guys...hmmm?????

I went to a festival in Suwon and the Suwon Fortress. It was fun. There was a parade, lots of delicious foods, music and more. There was a taekwondo show. I'll share a link and some pics!

Look! I can fit inside a rice box! We actually fit two of us, but I don't have that picture. Let me just tell you it was a tight squeeze with two.

Traditional Korean Dance... (only a short portion of it)

So many palaces, fortresses and such. Most of them are actually re-built from after the Japanese bombed Korea, but you can get an idea from the replicas. They are built to look very similar to the original. The Suwon fortress did have one building that was original. It's fu
n visiting the touristy things, because I learn a little bit about Korean history.

A few weeks ago, I went to a free Korean pop concert at Kyunghee Dae (univeristy) in Suwon. My friend knows a student that attends the university, so we were able to get close up seats. Yeah!! It was so much fun!!!! I love K-Pop! When I first got to Korea, I thought this reminds me of 1998! I mean I loved it when I was 13, but I don't know. It's very N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, and Jessica Simpson, but updated with a Korean spin on it. It's played everywhere, in stores, tv, and on everyone's cell phone (Korean's say hand phone). It just grows on you, and now I'm constantly finding myself humming the K-Pop tunes. I'm starting to love it! I found videos on youtube that has English subtitles, Korean Hangul, and spelled phonetically in English. Yeah! Now I am able to sing a few lines in Korean! Did I tell you I LOVE IT!

This is T-ara & Supernova...singing T.T.L. I wish I would have gotten this on video, because it is one of my favorite pop songs right now. Here is a link t
o the song I highly recommend taking the time to watch it.

Here all ages like K-Pop. Of course elementary school girls, but also adults, even grandmas. I'm not for sure if it's just girls or if guys like it too. I'll have to check into that. I'm also getting into other genres of Korean music, such as rap and rock.

(I forgot the name of this band, but I really liked them. The lead guy was a really good preformer.)

I'm trying my best to learn Korean. I can read, so that's a start. It does take me a long time to read one word. So, I decided to enroll in a Korean class. A friend of mine sent me information on a 5-week class at Kyunghee Dae. It's two days a week from 6:30-8:30. I'm excited to start! I'll let you know how that goes.

Oh! I met someone in my town last week! Yeah! I live in a very small town, so meeting another foreigner is amazing. During the week, I still tend to get bored a bit. Mondays I have badminton, and I've been meeting up with friends once during the week, but it will just be nice to know someone within a walking distance of where I live.

(This is a picture of a night out in Seoul. We were celebrating Nathan and Jessica's b-days! We were waiting for the Subway.)

Other than that, I've just been touring the city, shopping (love korean style and clothes), meeting new people, and going out. Well, that's all for now!

There are so many pictures and videos I'd love to share, but it takes forever to upload. Maybe I'll create a flickr site or one of those photoshare sites, and then post a link.


  1. I miss you doll!! I'm so glad you updated us on life in Korea. I'm so glad you are enjoying yourself. I knew you had to be since you hadn't updated your blog-no time usually equals having too much fun :) You're definitely going to have to post pictures of some of the things you've bought. I want to see the clothes that you are loving! Since it's taking a while to upload pictures, make sure you resize them first. It goes much faster!

  2. It's so nice to hear you are doing well Liz! Thanks for posting pics! :)

  3. Oh and I love the music!! :)
