Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hello 2010!

Hello Everyone!

Life in Korea is going really well, and it really does seem like a second home to me. I'm enjoying my job, and have a good set of friends here (although don't worry... I miss all of my family and friends back home, and do intend on returning next Sept).
(Left: Christmas Eve Dinner, Right New Year's Eve Dinner)

Well in the last few months I have experienced my first birthday, Christmas, and New Years away from home. It was hard not being with my family and friends, but I was able to talk to everyone back home through skype and vid
eo chat, which have helped a great deal. Christmas was probably the hardest, but I spend a string of 4 days with friends here in Korea, which helped a lot. So, don't worry I wasn't alone crying in my bed or anything. On Christmas Eve, I went to a friends apt in Suwon and we had a get together with other foreigners and some Koreans. It was a lot of fun. We had a nice big feast with some traditional Western food. Yum! We also taught the Koreans some traditional college student games like flip cup. They seemed to enjoy it. On Christmas, I went to another holiday party with lots of food and other Americans. The whole weekend I basically just hung out with friends, eating and hanging out.

I was able to catch my family on Christmas morning during breakfast. It was nice talking to them while they wer
e all together. I was a bit sad I wasn't with them, but what can you do..

My 24th b-day and New Year's Eve were also good times. For my b-day we just had dinner and went out in Seoul. For New Year's, we went to the ringing of the bell, which is sort of like the dropping of the ball. Everyone buys fireworks and then sets them off. You can buy sparkerlers and roman candles on the streets, which we did. It was fun to experience and see, plus fireworks are always fun.

One fun thing that I have done was make Kimbap (similar to California rolls). It was very easy, and can't wait to make it back home for friends. I really do love Korean food. I want to learn how to make all my favorite dishes, so I can make when I leave Korea.
(Here is a picture of the Kimbap I made.)

Earlier this month I went to China with my friends Allan and Kevin. It was a lot of fun! I loved the Great Wall! It was my favorite thing in Beijing! We actually went during a snow storm. It
was the worst snow Beijing has received in like 5 decades. The snow slowed us down a bit, but we were still able to see all the main things in Beijing that I wanted to see. We went to this one market, and we ate scorpion and snake. They weren't that bad really. I think it was more the idea of eating that made me a bit freaked out rather than the actually taste. The forbidden city was so enormous and beautiful. Let's just say, they were living the life in this palace back in the day! We took these taxis on a motorbike, which different, but got the job done. It was very difficult hailing a cab in Beijing, so when we were able to get the moterbike taxis, we were quite happy. The food was really good! I LOVED the Peking Duck. The skin melted in my mouth! Mmmmm! We also had lots of delicious street food.

I went skiing for the first time! It was a lot of fun, and I think I did fairly well for my first time. My friend was very helpful teaching me how to ski, and staying with me while I skied. I only had one big fall, but it did hurt. My shoulder was sore for 2 days. I plan on going a couple more times before the end of ski season. I really want to try snowboarding, but that may have to wait for next year.

A couple weeks ago, I went to a cabin with some friends. Sang Me's family has a cabin, and was nice enough to invite all of us to come. It was so much fun! We made Korean food, and just hung out for the weekend. They taught us some traditional Korean games that they play, which were quite fun and entertaining.

I am currently teaching Winter English Camp. I am really enjoying it! I have small classes of about 15 students. The students are high level English students, so they can understand me pretty well. We have themed days such as, Sports, Science, Art, Animals, and Movie day. I like teaching by myself. It makes it feel like it is my own class. I'm really getting to know the students a lot better. It is nice seeing the same students everyday. (During the regular school year, I teach classes with 30-40 students, and have a co-teacher to help. I also teach about 20 different classes grades 3-6.)

Well that's what has been going on with me in the last few months. I will try to update more often, and will post photos soon.