Friday, August 28, 2009

First Post!

Hello Everyone!

I'm finally getting around to writing my first blog! I've been here for a week and am settling in nicely. I am still without a cell phone and internet at my apt. Of course, I have internet access at my work, and there is a PC station within a 1 minute walk of my apt, so I am not completely disconnected to the rest of the world. Well here is a bit of what I've been up to the past week...

I arrived in Korea last Friday night. Three guys from Global Campus, met me at the airport and drove me to meet up with my co-teacher (Yun Seong) and her friend (Una). We dropped off my bags at Una's place and then got some food. Yun Seong and Una did not want me to have to spend my first night in Korea alone, so I spent the night at Una's. I thought that I was very nice of them. I did not really think of that, but I guess if I had to be alone in a strange place I would have probably had an emotional breakdown.

Saturday we did a lot of shopping for my apt. I forgot all the different things that you need to live. It reminded me of going to Target with my mom in college, except we went to E-mart (a five story Target-like store). It was sooooooooo crowded. I guess I need to get use to tons of the people everywhere we go in Seoul. After shopping and settling in the apartment, I went back to Una's place. We picked up one of her friends from the subway station, and went to a Korean restaurant. It was delicious! The restaurants give you soooo much food. In America, I am use to eating a lot of food compared to many of my friends, but here they look at me that all you are going to eat! When you run low on a certain food they just keep re-filling your plates. I'll post pictures soon, well when I get the internet hooked up in my apt.

Sunday Una took us clamming, which is digging for clams.

1) Dig up the top layer of sand until you see a small clam hole
2) Poor a small amount of salt on the hole
2) Then the clam pops out of the hole and you quickly grab it!

It was a lot of fun!

Monday was my first day at school. I met my other co-teacher Ju-ri. When they say her name it sounds like Judy. She is so nice! She told me we are a work family, and she truely treats me like family. She is so generous and sweet. Ju-ri took me to the hospital to get a medical check, which I need to get an alien card. (I passed it with flying colors. Just in case anyone was worried.) Ju-ri invite me to dinner at her house. It was delicious! She also gave me so much food from her house. It was as if I had just left the grocery store! She gave me homemade jam and juice, bread, lettuce, rice, kimchi, potatoes, onions and there is probaby something I am missing.

Last week (Mon-Fri) school was not in session. It was still summer and summer camp was in session. So, just looked over and planned some lesson plans. I also got on the internet a lot because I did not have it at my apt.

Also, this whole weekend my co-teachers and Una did not let me pay for any of the many meals we had. They said that I should save my cash in case I need it. They paid for so much. I fully intend to repay them! They won't let me pay until I get my first paycheck. I thought that was very nice of them.

Well that's all for now!